Now don’t think I’m going all “green warrior” on you here. Yes, plastic is a concern. But it’s just one of many challenges our planet faces. I believe the impact plastic has had on the environment is a little overexaggerated. I’m not saying we shouldn’t do better but some journalists have placed the entire onus of global warming on plastic. And, I’m certain someone somewhere will claim it’s the cause of global hunger and poverty too.
The war on plastic only exists in the minds of hardcore activists.
That said…
There have been some remarkable breakthroughs over the last 5 years in bioplastics made from FOOD!
And, this is what we’re all about.
Who are the innovators creating sustainable technologies in the food and ingredients sector…
Albeit packaging.
Plastic: The Gift That Keeps on Giving (to the Environment)
It's the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it? Unfortunately, what it keeps giving us is pollution, litter, and a host of environmental problems. With over 40% of plastic being used just once before being thrown away - that's a lot of waste. And that waste isn't going away anytime soon, since plastic can take up to 1000 years to decompose. That means that every piece of plastic that has ever been produced still exists in some form today. Talk about a legacy!
Plant-Based Alternatives...
If you're tired of popping bubble wrap and want a more eco-friendly alternative, look no further than bio plastics. These natural alternatives to traditional plastics are made from renewable resources like corn starch and sugarcane, and they're biodegradable, meaning they break down into harmless components over time. Plus, they can be just as versatile as traditional plastics, meaning you can wrap your fragile items in peace knowing you're not harming the environment or that an army of activists are coming to kick down your door.
The Companies Creating Clean and Clear Blue Waves
There are a number of companies that are making waves in the bio plastics industry, and we're not just talking about the ones in the ocean. TIPA, for example, is an Israeli start-up that produces compostable packaging solutions for food and beverage companies.
Their packaging is made from bio-based, non-toxic materials that break down into natural compost within just a few months. Another company, Ecovative, uses mushroom-based materials to create sustainable packaging solutions. And a company known as Evoware, an Indonesian start-up that produces biodegradable packaging made from seaweed. These companies are leading the charge when it comes to sustainable packaging options and they’re doing it with food!
The Battle of the Bags
When it comes to shopping bags, it's a battle between plastic and bio plastics. Traditional plastic bags are cheap and convenient, but they also take hundreds of years to break down and can harm wildlife.
On the other hand, bio plastics bags are biodegradable and made from renewable resources, but they can be more expensive to produce. However, as more consumers become aware of the environmental impact of plastic bags, they're opting for bio plastics options instead. A report by Grand View Research, the global bio plastics market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 16.2% between 2020 and 2027.
A New Hope
Bio plastics are revolutionizing the packaging industry by providing a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics. Not only are they biodegradable and made from renewable resources, but they can also be just as versatile and durable as traditional plastics.
Some bio plastics can even be made to break down in specific environments, such as marine environments, to reduce pollution in our oceans. With the global bio plastics market expected to reach $19.93 billion by 2025, it's clearer than the Mediterranean Ocean that bio plastics are a much needed and demanded innovation.
Not Just for Granola-Eating Hippies Anymore
Bio plastics used to be seen as something only granola-eating hippies would use, but times have changed. Today, bio plastics are being used by major corporations like PepsiCo and Nestle, who have pledged to make their packaging 100% recyclable or reusable by 2025, with a focus on using more bio-based materials.
In fact, bio plastics are being used in everything from food packaging to electronics to car parts. And it's not just corporations that are getting on board with bio plastics either. Consumers are also becoming more aware of the environmental impact of traditional plastics and are actively seeking out more sustainable options. A study by the Natural Marketing Institute found that 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for products that are environmentally friendly. So get onboard with the granola-eating hippies as they had right all along.
Amplifying the Call for Sustainable Packaging
The call for sustainable packaging has been growing louder and louder in recent years, and bio plastics are helping to amplify that call. As more companies switch to sustainable packaging options, it sends a message to other companies that consumers are willing to pay more for products that are eco-friendly. Plus, the use of bio plastics is a visible reminder that there are alternatives to traditional plastics that can have a positive impact on the environment.
By choosing bio plastics, companies are not just making a business decision, but a statement about their commitment to sustainability which can have a huge impact on attracting talent. Which if you didn’t know is what Meyrick Consulting is all about – identifying, engaging and assessing the best leadership talent in the food and ingredients industry.
The Real MVPs
Let's face it, traditional plastics are harmful to the environment, they take hundreds of years to break down, and they contribute to the global plastic pollution problem. Bio plastics, on the other hand, are the real MVPs. They're made from renewable resources, they're biodegradable, and they can be just as versatile and durable as traditional plastics. And, of course, they're helping to solve the global plastic pollution problem by providing a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics.
Saving the Planet and Reshaping the Food Industry
The food industry is one of the biggest users of plastic packaging, but bio plastics are starting to reshape our industry. Companies like Danone and Nestle are just two corporations that are already using bio-based packaging for some of their products. Bio plastics are also being used to create edible packaging, which could potentially eliminate the need for any packaging at all.
Not sure how I feel about eating a wrapper just yet!
But, whilst the war on plastic may be fake, in the end, it’s a positive change that will benefit the consumer and the planet. All powered by the food and ingredients industry!
If you’ve not seen a copy of part 1 of our guide on "Selecting an Executive Search Firm in the Food and Ingredients Industry" drop me a message or download via the link HERE. Part 2 is being released next week.
And, I promise, it’s far more than us telling you just how brilliant we are.
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Front cover of Meyrick Consulting guide on Selecting an Executive Search Firm in the Food and Ingredients Industry
Global Bio Plastics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Product Type, by Application, by Region and Segment Forecasts, 2021-2028 - https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/bio-plastics-market
Plastic Pollution - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/07/ocean-plastic-pollution-solutions/
Bio-Based Plastics Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021 - 2026) - https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/biobased-plastics-market
Bioplastics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Product (Bio-based, Biodegradable), by Application (Packaging, Consumer Goods), by Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2020-2027 - https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/bioplastics-market
Natural Marketing Institute's 2020 Sustainability Report - https://www.nmisolutions.com/Portals/1/PDFs/Sustainability/2020%20Sustainability%20Report.pdf