In my experience, as a recruiter in the Food and Drink Industry, with 20+ years of experience, the longer you take to organise yourself the longer it takes to recruit staff. That’s it really. I could stop writing here because it really is a major hurdle for many companies in the recruitment drive when they go it alone.

However, I like to add value, where I can so, I thought it would be worth just outlining the major hurdles that trip companies up when they start the recruitment process. In addition I would like to suggest a few things that make this challenging time more fruitful for both candidates and organisations.
5 ways to improve your recruitment success

1. Economics might necessitate an in-house recruitment drive but have you considered just how much an ill-conceived, lack lustre or less than professional performance might really cost the company? It’s always worth having a conversation with a recruitment professional to discuss options and understand just what benefits they can bring.
2. Using an external recruiter means that you can outsource the initial research processes such as preparing a candidate pack, answering questions and drawing up shortlists etc. Remember, at each stage what you say and do and how you say it will resonate, or not, with potential candidates. They expect far more from companies and with considerable skills shortages can often call the shots. Do not lose their attention by offering a poor promotional experience at the very start of a potential relationship.
3. Although social media is extraordinarily helpful, when it comes to finding new executive level staff you might not be reaching great candidates this way. They may not be actually looking for a new position and are not checking LinkedIn every 30 minutes. With careful negotiation, information and good old curiosity you might be able to reach out to top quality candidates that aren’t actually looking. This is where a professional recruiter can really capitalise on their contacts. After all, at a certain level financial remuneration isn’t the main driver but a challenge or company philosophy might well be.
4. If you use in house teams do brief everyone who needs to know plans quite thoroughly. So often candidates are made to wait for days, even weeks, for all the right people to be collated for an interview. Plan in advance. Decide on an interview date early and ensure everyone who needs to attend has it in their diaries.
5. Also plan some alternatives keeping potential candidates need in mind. Be aware that people, who may well be working, and sometimes not even in the country at your convenience need an alternative plan. Successful people often have very full diaries so a few alternatives would be helpful. If someone turns down an interview day it’s not necessarily because they don’t have full commitment; they have other lives where, as yet, your company is not involved.
To Conclude
In my 20+ years in the recruitment sector I have seen just about everything – some practices have been excellent, others have been jaw dropping. Yet I do understand the frustration, stress and company prevarication regarding recruitment. However, may I suggest all of that is put to bed before deciding to open the recruitment process. Communication is also extremely important. Decisions need to be made in advance. Time spent with a recruiter at the very beginning can assist in the smooth running of the whole shortlist, interview and feedback process. Have you ever taken the time to calculate just how much the failure to appoint a key member of the C-suite would really cost the company?

I am here to facilitate excellent hires. If you have struggled to find the right people at the right time for significant positions then do give me a call. I have thousands of contacts stretching back for years. I understand the Food and Drink Industry and would feel privileged to help you make a success of growing your team. Call me today.