Will this be a golden summer where we win the world cup, we nail Brexit and you resolve your recruitment issues?
The past few days have been momentous. Not only have the England football team surpassed our expectations, the sun has been shining and we can honestly say we’ve had a real summer!
This is where beans will be spilled!
However, on Monday we woke up to the resignation of David Davies. Whatever you may think about him and what he’s been doing he’s been Theresa May’s right hand man. When we lose a key member of our team it can be devastating. Consider the fall out from this exit. He is now outside government and can speak his mind. What damage will be done, what beans will be spilled and what next for these negotiations?
Are there crumbs of comfort to sustain us?
We may be heartily sick to death of the coverage but these negotiations really matter. The Food Industry, amongst many others, is keen to understand what the future regulatory landscape is going to look like when we finally leave. With so much discord in government we are beginning to wonder whether any sense can be made of the process. Meanwhile we sit and wait and take some crumb of comfort that market access will be maintained until New Year’s Eve 2020.
So what’s on the menu for the Food and beverage Industry?
There’s much to discuss, not least food security, continued growth, the labour market, smart foods and more. Nicholas Fereday, Executive Director Senior Analyst, Food and Consumer Trends said:
‘The change that innovation brings, extends beyond any one food category and is fundamentally changing the way we view food.’
Food system innovation is going to underpin our efforts to feed almost 10 billion people by 2050! Now there’s a challenge. Can we source agile, flexible, intelligent and creative staff to deliver such a profound task?
Optimism should replace toxicity.
Yet, this is the exciting and optimistic outlook that is missing from this rather toxic Brexit debate we’ve been having. Yes, it’s difficult to plan in one sense when we don’t know what the rules might be. However, sadly there is less talk about innovation and opportunity. I say, if we don’t like the rules of this game then why don’t we invent another? After all you are looking at the birthplace of sports that have become global pastimes and powerful ways to make money.
Isn’t now the time to do what we have always been good at?
Yes, innovation and flexibility. Of course we are going to be sorely tried over the next year or so and potentially beyond 2020 but we are incredibly resilient in the UK. We are usually very quick off the blocks when it comes to dealing with existing challenges and those that are evolving. Surely it’s time to create our own optimism. After all, the more we practise the luckier we get! Even Gareth Southgate has taken that to heart and look how he has confounded expectations so far. Times may well be challenging but isn’t that what brings out the best of British? What do you think?
On another note, if you want help in finding the best possible candidates in the current market here are 3 ways I can help:
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I look forward to working in a creative and optimistic manner to fulfil your recruitment needs while keeping my fingers crossed for the World Cup Semi Final!.