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  • Writer's pictureMeyrick Consulting

Ten Ways to improve your access to the top 1% of talent

Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to effective recruitment?

1. If you are using multi agency contingency recruiters just stop and consider if this is really the right approach for your sector. Have you considered that multi-agencies often scratch the surface of talent in the market. You might get the “obvious” choices but if you are looking for a very specific fit you may not find it. Therefore what I am suggesting is that it might well be time to think again,

Still blaming the market?

2. If you have been surprised at the poor quality of applicants for any posted vacancy are you still blaming the market? Have you considered that maybe you are expecting to attract top talent with a 2 page poorly written job description. That doesn’t mean you should write a novel because that too is off putting. However, you need to prepare your job descriptions very carefully. Candidates can spot a generic approach from fifty paces. If new people really do mean a lot to your company then it really is worth working hard on a job description. Be prepared to discuss, edit and ask for opinions before you post it. Think very carefully about just what is special about this specific role and give people a clear idea about every aspect of the vacancy.

Still relying solely on internal recruitment teams?

Still relying on internal recruitment teams to score the winning goal?

3. Are you still relying on your internal recruitment team? Do you feel that perhaps they do not have the breadth and depth or industry expertise to access the top talent? We all understand that it is difficult to be a master in all areas. As much as there is probably pressure to use an internal recruitment team, hiring a specialist can be a much more economical approach. Companies rarely calculate the cost of not finding the right person quickly. Hiring an expert in your specific field will make a difference to the time it takes to find the right people for a vacancy.

Still using generalised recruiters?

4. If you are using generalist recruiters they may not have a thorough understanding of your business and the sector in which you operate. That often means they are unable to act as ambassadors on behalf of your business. Are they really able to “sell” your vacancy and understand the right questions at the very beginning of the process? A specialist will understand the trends, specifics, difficulties and challenges within your sector and know just where to find talent that might not be accessible to a generalist.

Still think advertising alone is sufficient?

5. Do you that simply putting out an advertisement for a senior level position is sufficient? How likely is it that top talent in the market will simply respond to your request? Probably very unlikely in reality. They may not even be looking for a new position. So how can you get access to those kind of people? Unlike advertising active search does not have a shelf life; many of the best candidates in the market are extremely busy and could potentially be travelling extensively. It takes time patience and skill to be able to track down and make contact with top talent. An experienced recruiter will undoubtedly have the connections and tenacity to be able to do this with good effect.

The fact that a candidate is not actively seeking a new opportunity is usually a good indicator that they are being successful in their present role, this does not mean however that they would not be interested in exploring another opportunity that would allow them to take their career to another level. To attract this type of high achieving candidate requires a significant amount of gentle persuasion and sharing of sufficient information to convince them that the new opportunity is worthwhile taking a closer look at.

Still not defining your interview and selection process sufficiently?

6. Are your interview and selection process not well enough defined? Are they taking too long? Do you find you are losing great candidates as a result? If you put yourself in potential candidates’ shoes, communication is key. Good people do not wait around. They always attract new opportunities. If you do not keep in contact or move swiftly it is likely the best candidates will be snapped up. Therefore your interview and selection stage needs to be well defined and swift. This way people know you are serious.

Still offering below market salaries?

7. Do you check the market rate for the job you are offering? We often see that the salary and package some companies offer is not in line with what the competition is willing to pay. When that is the case then the people with the right experience and expertise are unlikely to apply. You shoot yourself in the foot immediately.

Still failing to convince candidates to work for you?

What are the compelling reasons for people to come and work for you? Do you actually know?

8. Have you ever considered that perhaps you are not actually conveying a compelling reason for potential candidates to want to join your company? It’s not just financial remuneration that attracts people. Vision, challenge, opportunities, benefits, flexibility, creativity, like-minded colleagues can all attract quality candidates. Have you ever asked yourself: what are the reasons anyone would want to join this organisation?

Still relying on PSL or RPO?

9. Are you relying solely on your PSL or RPO for all recruitment needs believing they are the panacea for all ills? Have you ever questioned that decision and wondered what other options are out there? For a lot of recruitment firms gaining preferred supplier status on a large corporate client is viewed as a huge win giving the recruitment firm in some instances a guaranteed stream of work for a period of time. In many instances organisations tend to fill their PSL with larger well known brands who once on one PSL will soon be looking for their next one.

In a recent survey of 158 HR & Resourcing Professionals representing over 200,000 hires a year conducted by TheJobPost, research found some interesting facts:

 Almost 1 in 2 struggled to find the specialist hires they needed via their Preferred Supplier List

 64% had rejected a suitable candidate from a non-preferred agency

 45% of respondents reported the ongoing challenges relating to specialist hires, with the same percentage stating that they struggled to find the hires they needed via their Preferred Supplier List.

Still considering talent from your sector alone?

10. Finally, it is quite likely that you are only considering talent from within your sector. This is certainly limiting your options because there may well be highly qualified individuals in allied sectors if only you knew where to look.

If any of these points have given you food for thought then perhaps it’s worth having a chat about your potential options. If this is of interest then do give me a call for a no obligation discussion on +44 7793 526078. On the other hand you can Click Here to schedule an appointment directly with me to suit your needs.

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